The slide shows are down, and not a quick fix over lunch. I hope to have them back on tonight. Come back and visit them tomorrow! 10:25 p.m. Back up again – seemed to be a problem with the Picasa Website, but we’ll see if they continue to work now.20 September: Down again – but…
Day: September 19, 2007
too much of a good thing
Last night after E fell asleep, not once, but twice, I heard a crash from above. Not the normal sound of a friend or even possibly a book sliding off the edge of the bed. A crash that can not be easily interpreted below, and could very well involve a small body hitting the deck….
for every car, there is a space
It was only a matter of time before the MagnaTiles stopped creating cathedrals, schools and small villages, and were relegated to the world of parking facilities. Now they join the other esteemed toys that fall into this category…the Lego’s, the Tinker Toys, the lines of the hardwood floors, the toe kicks under the kitchen cabinets….