Most Sundays now you can come hear M and I play a little organ concert. If you’re interested, I’ll give you the street address and you can just pull up to the corner and roll down the windows a bit. When I say little, I mean little – just ten minutes or so, and just simple melodies – but for us it takes a bit of preparation. Between the two of us we have 15-16 years of piano lessons, but it has been awhile for both of us, and neither of us has any organ experience. So every Saturday night we are in the hymnal, practicing 3-4 songs, writing down and flagging tricky passages with penciled notes, and often times transposing those that fall out of the two octaves that play on the organ chimes and the two different octaves that play on the tower chimes – those are the ones that you’ll be able to hear when you come to the drive-by concert. It’s a fun little challenge for us, climbing into the cavernous organ area, blocked from view from everyone else, pulling and pushing in buttons and hoping to hit all the right notes. When your audience stretches for several blocks in all directions, there’s just a little bit of pressure…

And then later in the day, a best friend arrived, and we had a little dinner party through the evening. The kids had a great time and played hard while the grownups sat and chatted. After they left we all crashed from the busy weekend – E was asleep before I made it down her stairs. It was a great way to finish off the weekend.
O tries out E’s new camera.