It was such a strange afternoon and evening here, with a temperature drop of over fifty degrees in the span of a few hours. I had to run out in the evening, in the 16 degree weather, where I found the scarf and gloves I had abandoned in the car that same morning as the temperature climbed to above 70 degrees. I took my camera because I thought I might try some photos of the trees in the streetlights, bending and arcing and looking altogether displeased with the change of events. But by the time I got back from the gym, the warmth that I had created from within had dissipated and I was an iceberg again, ready to be in, and be warm and be home. I had no patience for the long shutter – so this is the best windy shot I’ve got. brrrrrrrr.
Earlier, inside, we countered the sound of whistling winds with the sound of busy creating. These were the finds in a bag of hand-me-downs from a co-worker. “Darling” little paint sets and enough post-it notes to keep this habitual scribbler and note taker happy for months. It’s good to be in, and be warm, and be here.