Invitations went out last week for the big party, and most of the smaller details are wrapped up. All that’s left is the baking – and I’m baking for not one, but two parties that weekend (one half away across the country!) So it should be interesting to see the cars and the ladybugs combined for a few days around here. Come to think of it, it should be interesting to see my kitchen.

E celebrated getting her vision back after a nice round with periorbital cellulitus which in fact does look as bad as it sounds. A less contagious step above pink eye, she was sporting a nicely shut and swollen right eye for a day or two. The skin around her eye was infected, but responded quickly to antibiotics and now we’re all better, but still dragging through another seven days of the medicine. Medicine that tastes like suntan lotion. Too much fun for words. That’s her on the phone making plans to see Wall-E with O. I spared you the photos of the day before.

Progress continues on the bathroom wall repair, and we got the extra shelves done for all the closets. We are trying a new technique – applying two coats of water based polyurethane over the painted surfaces to see if that helps keep objects from sticking to them.

So, while we did the shelves I cleared off the ledges in E’s room and did some touch up paint on the top. Hopefully the poly will keep the top a little more scuff free. And here’s what two zillion books look like on the middle of the rug for a week.

Clean and crisp and ready for the top coat.