Our weekend was good – busy – but good. The whirlwind began mid-morning Friday with the end-of-camp theatrical production. E was stellar in her silent part, despite the fact that she had fifty grownups surrounding the room with video cameras. She was an armadillo – no costume required, thank goodness.
Yes, I would be that annoying mom with the flashbulb going off every thirty seconds reflecting in the room’s mirrors.
Saturday started off early with a trip to breakfast with her best buddy O.
Next came a nearby baseball game where she and a friend altered the color of their tongue with some ring pops. This was truly a highlight of the weekend.
And where was I in the midst of all this fun? Working on party #1 and party #2 cookies. Party #1 is shipping out Monday morning and has filled the kitchen and the dining room with bright colored buggie treats all weekend. The letters and flowers are cake toppers for the lucky ladybug who is turning four next week.
I worked some on the cars for our lucky lady, and hope to finish those up tonight.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, more paint blasting, scraping, and painting happened on the outside parts of the house. This is one of the (upside down) wrought iron window grates that go onto the basement windows at the front of the house. These were not on the house when we purchased it, but about a year later the former owner drove by, saw us working in the yard, and pulled these out of his trunk. They had been in their basement – probably awaiting the same maintenance treatment which never happened – and when they rediscovered them they were nice enough to bring them over rather than sell them for scrap. They then stayed in our basement for the next six or seven years, but now they’re out, painted and ready for installation. Another thing in the vast effort to get the basement accumulation from all this work under control and organized. It’s no easy task. Boy, wouldn’t it be nice to have a garage?
And lastly, the front porch is back in business, and just in time for another round of thunderstorms and dousing rain. Hooray for finished projects – even those of the maintenance kind!
I need a few days off to recover from this weekend – a weekend from my weekends…
Oh wow K!!! Those are adorable! I can’t wait for Corinne to see them and to put the letters on the cake!!! You outdid yourself, again!
I meant to ask you if you have some business cards you could send me…just in case I get asked about the cute cookies!?!?!