In the wee hours of the morning this birthday girl of ours spiked a sudden fever, and it has not relented all day. She was disappointed that she couldn’t take her birthday treats to school with her, but we tried to make the best of it today. She finally agreed that a birthday dinner out was not the best idea considering she had managed a whopping total of three bites all day. I think she was more disappointed that she was going to miss out on her dinner balloon, but we solved that with a quick run to the store on our way to Ted Drewe’s for some birthday dessert. We told her she could have the pick of the menu, but she wisely suggested that she should stick to the kiddie cone since she didn’t really have much of an appetite. She’s never left a drop of custard-y goodness behind, but tonight she gave two licks (one was posed for the shot below) and threw in the towel. She’s in great spirits, and the balloons were a big hit. We got her home, put some more medicine in her tummy and let her stay up late watching some phenomenal Olympics swimming. I don’t think we’ve kicked it yet, but here’s hoping she bounces back quickly – just in time to say goodbye to preschool and preschool friends on Friday. And I’m feeling a little bit ill at that prospect…
Happy Birthday Five-Year-Old – I promise it will get better.