There are plenty of exterior signs of fall right now, but here’s a shot of one of my favorite interior signs of fall, cool nights and shorter days…flannel sheets. It’s going to get snuggly here tonight.
And here’s another hint on the costume. Guesses so far on this post have been great…but not correct yet. Don’t forget there’s a prize on the line, so make sure to weigh in on the comments below. Just remember to leave some sort of identifying clue in there – you don’t have to spell out names, but “Aunt C” or “N from Tennessee” would be great. Either select the Name/URL option or choose Anonymous and include your clue in the comment itself. Thanks, and good luck!
Wow, I have no idea, but a wild guess a hot air balloon??
Tonya Baird
Tonya, you beat me to it. I believe it will be a hot air balloon also.