We slipped away while you weren’t looking…
And – hey wait! Where did that belly come from? As E put it sometime during the last week or two, “Mom, I’m so glad you finally got huge!”
So the posting this past week was a bit light since I did it all before we left town for a fabulous sun-filled getaway to usher in spring. We thought the best way to accomplish this was to leave winter behind and jump right into summer, and by golly, it worked. We’re home, and it’s late, so that’s the most picture sorting I’ll do tonight. But never fear, we’ll celebrate this first week of spring in style with photos of our tropical paradise by the sea.
And about that belly…
Things are definitely moving up and out around here. This baby is way higher than E ever was, and growing by leaps and bounds. I’m going to completely ignore the scale from here on out – it shows little to no progress, but you’d have to be blind to miss this growing bump, and the kid inside it is one strong (and large) little one. Oh the laughs we have when reading our daily pregnancy journal about the beginning of internal “flutters” we should be feeling now. This child already stretches and strains against its confines and clearly shows a fist or foot at one end while jabbing some vital organ of mine on the other end. The baby should measure just under 2 pounds and be around 10″ in length right now, which is probably just about correct if I measured from that fist to the aforementioned vital organ. Discomfort has set in, and it seems early in the game this time, seeing that I’m just now getting to that final trimester and am still throwing up my breakfast every few days. It’s like the best of both worlds around here, pregnancy symptom-wise. But we’re surviving, really, we’re thriving – I mean, look – we’ve got the photos to prove it.
This was our attempt to get a shot of my belly silhouette, but all it really did was produce some weird shaped shadow that looks like it has an enormous bottom half and some strange growths out of my head. But the belly shot from above is always more impressive, and I must say that walking around barefoot in a knit skirt on the sand for a week should be a requirement at least once in every pregnancy.
Wow. Looking good. Can’t wait to see that belly in person. See you Thursday or Friday!