I’ve had some requests for belly photo updates that aren’t headless. Unfortunately, my mug shot on a Friday morning is not the cutest thing. And my pint-sized photographer is getting more and more restless with the procedure so I’m going to have to hire a new one. I’ve also been asked for some different “angles” so that those of you who like to predict the gender of the baby by the shape of the mom can get a better idea. I promise at thirty weeks I’ll post a poll and give you all the dirt on all the old wives’ tales for gender prediction and then you can go from there. The one request I think I’ll have to pass on (um hmm… you know who you are) is the rear view. No one needs to start their Friday with that. I’d like to think that it looks relatively similar to how it did when this whole thing started, but without a waist anymore I can’t really bend and twist around to see, and ignorance is most certainly bliss.
But here’s a front view, and a side view. I’m going to have to call it at this point as straight out. Whatever that means, boy or girl…
Hey, I only asked out of scientific curiosity! And without that bit of evidence, I’m going to be forced to use the results of the highly-accurate Chinese calenar. Oh well…at least the front and side of you are beautiful! 🙂