Two weeks ago complete strangers were commenting on my very round belly. “It’s soooo cute”, they’d gush, “you’re adorable”, “that’s the roundest little belly I’ve ever seen”. Alas, that sort of random, unsolicited admiration lasted about two weeks. It’s officially been replaced by the equally unsolicited “So, when are you due?” or “Looks like it’s almost time for baby!” which I hear every single place that I go. And really, they’re quite right. This turkey is done. I’m about ready for this baby to be on the outside.
So here’s my nearly done belly, squeezing every possible square inch out my pre-maternity clothes. The baby moves less now, and seems pretty constrained in there. Our weekly appointment went well, and the fluid levels are stable so that’s great. The baby’s dropped into position and reminds me of that every once in awhile with a painful little stretch, but I’m excited that we’re on the right track and moving towards the end. Won’t be too much longer now! I would scan and post this week’s ultrasound photos but they are getting harder to see now that the baby is so much larger. The tech spends the majority of the time measuring the volume of the voids around the baby, so there’s not a whole lot of cute kid watching. Apparently in one void there was quite a bit of hair floating so we’re excited to give birth to a kid with an insta-mullet. We’ll be sure to send photos of that in the birth announcements…