M spent the better part of his father’s day dropping the kid off for a vacation week away from us, but before he did that this kiddo had a few things planned. Plan number one was breakfast in bed, and she and I got up early, tried out a new muffin recipe and hung out a little while they baked. The muffins turned out pretty good, but the morning was even better. She was excited for her trip, but extra sweet with the hugs and snuggles before she left – which made it all the more difficult to say goodbye. We know she’s having a blast, but it’s still weird to climb those stairs to the third floor and see her reading lamp, which comes on every night with a timer, burning in her room. For a split second I almost peeked in to watch her reading, but then remembered that the room was empty. I worked on the computer in the back room for a few moments, and caught myself listening for her voice as she read. When I finished, I thought briefly about tackling some of the whirlwind of paper and projects that she left behind, but as I stood in her doorway looking at it all her light clicked off and the room fell dark. It could wait another night.
All in all, it was a pretty quiet day, especially for me, but a nice one nonetheless. And when we went to bed last night, and M read his nightly books to the baby, the baby nestled into a more comfortable position and stretched its legs a bit. The best father’s day is the one that’s soon to come, and I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to that day when this little one is on the outside listening to these bedtime books, and E is in her pj’s curled back up between us again.