I could just sit in this room for hours and enjoy myself. Wait, that’s pretty much what I do! I love sitting in that chair, rocking and feeding the baby and just enjoying such sweet surroundings. She sleeps a lot, so it’s hard to find time to do much in her room – but when she’s awake we’ll move in a few new books or raid some of the hand-me-down toys or hang a picture or a mobile. But mostly we just try to get her to smile and laugh, or sit through a book or lay side by side on the floor and watch the sheep dance above us.

For lack of a better system, I arranged her books according to the rainbow, and the corner is really bright and cheery now. She’s got a few empty spaces left, but with my weakness for children’s literature that shouldn’t take too long to fill.

She’s quite taken with the sheep mobile which dances around at the end of her bed in a way that even grownups find mesmerizing. E walked in one day thinking her dad was still in there putting the baby down for a nap, and discovered that he had already left but her sister was just laying in bed staring up at the dancing sheep. Her theory is that the baby no longer actually sleeps in there – just watches the mobile for a few hours and then protests when she’s finally finished.
And a few shots of the colorful baby (who refuses to smile at me anymore when I’m behind the camera…)
…and you’ve definitely got a room that’s far from boring.