So here’s what we have collecting dust on the top shelf of F’s desk, just waiting for some little fairy with a hammer and box of nails to come by and send them to their happy home. On the docket for this weekend – some picture hanging. But first I need to make some paper cutouts and mix and match them awhile on the wall to get the placement right. And leave appropriate spaces for items left to be purchased or delivered via reindeer drawn sleigh. And leave space for sister art that’s been sketched, but not yet executed. Along with spaces for those items vigorously hinted for. Ahem. Hmm.
And how important are the letters “H” and “Y” to the alphabet series, I mean, really? Plus, that “O” owl is awfully cute as well.
Yeah, finally! My other four frames came in from Siberia or some other far-flung corner of the universe. So here are the other four Charley Harper prints in their frames.
Some Gee’s Bend quilt prints, just to mix it up and not go too wackadoo on the whole bird theme. And my collection of birdie cards, which I just realized I forgot to photograph this morning. And the origami birds for dimension.
And finally, more canisters – there is no way this child will ever have enough art supplies to possibly fill the number of paper wrapped canisters she now possesses.
Nurseries are fun, aren’t they?
That is a good collection – i like the addition of the quilt prints. Realized this morning that without my routine this week I hadn’t been checking the blog. Hope to be back this coming week.
Hint received. Heading to wall now with hammer in hand.
P.S. Please don’t call me a fairy.