Smiles all around from and for the baby. And then a violin concert to wrap up the gifts. So nice to have everyone together around the tree for the morning.
We asked E a few days before Christmas if this Christmas, or any Christmas for that matter, could stack up to last year’s. Last Christmas Eve, when she thought she couldn’t possibly get any more excited for the morning to come, she found out that she was going to become a big sister. An hour or two later she lost her very first tooth, commenting afterwards “Could this night get any better?” She said she was perfectly fine this year with being excited by normal things like pirate ships and race cars on the list, but I noticed that she was wiggling loose tooth #7 quite a bit in the week leading up to the holiday, and when I got a touch of road food nausea / sickness on the way home from our visit, she pumped her fist in the air and said “Yes! Another baby!” The tooth stuck and the belly aches passed and the pirate ship seems to be a perfectly good substitute.
Thank goodness.
Some posts to follow on some of the projects we’ve been doing around here, including some fun holiday ones. Happy New Year (That decade just flew by, didn’t it? Wow.) and thanks for all the cards and gifts and goodies and visits along the way.