The baby loves playing with these blocks. She had a few to herself and she is even starting to stack one on top of another.

And then the serious stacking begins… Someone is really determined to get that third block up – the one she was playing with before it was confiscated to make this monstrosity. I think the big one is trying to warn her of the structural nightmare that is about to ensue. Or maybe just egging her on.

The blocks toppled the wrong way, bouncing off that little head and onto the floor around her. That was not at all what she had planned when she reached out for that pink pig.

Looking to her mother for help, and an explanation, but finding me giggling behind that camera-thing.
She seemed no worse for the wear, so a second tower was constructed.

Careful touching at this point. She’d been advised of the proper way to take down a skyscraper, and she was determined to use that new technique and prevent further damage to her noggin. (Now that I think about it, we should have given her E’s hard hat.)
And again…
But still never watching the blocks tumbling down.
Over and over and over again. A willing architect and an able demolition crew. Spring breezes through the windows and a comfy rug for crashing. Good days.