We spent a good part of this past weekend in garden shops and nurseries. My parents were in town for three days, and we dodged rain drops and funnel clouds to get out as much as possible. E’s Nana is a sucker for a beautiful garden shop, and we wandered through several. One had a container with E’s name on it, so the shopping began for things to put in it.
Sunday night the four of us went downstairs to the basement to start transplanting. We put the baby in the high chair where she could watch the action and got to work. Now we have a small farm of containers lining the floor with enough herbs to season the summer, three heirloom tomato plants started and some flowers thrown in for fun. They are hanging out under a growlight because our winds and rains are a bit too rough for the newbies. We’re excited for the sun again, and a porch and patio full of leafy things.