Two weekends ago now – that weekend full of fundraisers and events – included the biggest fundraiser for E’s school. It’s a really fun event that involves food and drink, a silent and live auction, and more food and drink. That evening our favorite babysitter came by, and the grownups (us + two friends) put on our jackets to brave the chilly middle of May evening weather to spend some money (and consume food and drink). Last year I was pretty excited about the items we won. This year’s auction was just as good, if not better. I bowed out on a couple of items once they got past my limit, but I did score enough coffee gift cards and yoga sessions to balance myself out for awhile. One package that I pretended I won for E was actually a set of tickets and backstage passes to Circus Flora (go to this link, it’s gorgeous) and this pretty awesome print which just happens to have my two favorite colors together and looks exactly perfect in E’s room.
Right now it’s just sitting on her mantel and I’m not quite sure what I’m going to do with it. Meanwhile, she’s trying to master juggling the set of balls that came with the package. I’m excited about the tickets, I’m excited about the passes, and I’m a little excited about E learning how to juggle (at least as an alternative to beaning her little sister in the head with an ill thrown hacky sack). But truly, I’m most happy about this print. Looking at it makes me happy in the same way sitting in E’s room makes me happy. Funny how certain color combinations can do that to people. Maybe not all people. Maybe just us strange ones. Marketing works. The right colors work. On me. I’m not ashamed to admit it.
The moral of this story is this: show me something in just the right way, and just the right shade, and I’m hooked and willing to bid.
Oh my, I just did. They must have made this one just for me.