We picked the grayest part of an otherwise glorious fall weekend to head over to the orchard. But the picking was good, and so was the company. And some little cheeks stayed full the whole time. It’s been a long time since we woke up on a Saturday morning with nothing on the agenda except things that we wanted to do, and those things we did. The big market at the garden, apple picking, a late pub lunch and wandering through furniture and antique stores and bookstores. Then the baby crashed out for a very late nap, I took off on my bike for a long ride, and the other two tackled another part of the front yard project. Baby to bed, and then still full from lunch, the three of us piled onto the couch for a dinner of apple cake and popcorn and a movie. Not many Saturdays afford us that kind of luxury, but when they come along, they are oh, so nice.