Election Day!
Call me crazy, but I love this day. I loved it as a child – I always got to go with my parents – and I love taking my girls with me now. I don’t mind the lines, I love the paper ballot, but the electronic is fine as well, and the only thing that makes me happier than signing my name on that roster, is seeing a bunch of signatures of my neighbors already on the roster around me. Here’s hoping for nice weather and a great turnout. Enjoy your special day!
On a somewhat related note – if you think along the lines of “voting” with your pocketbook – I’ve got a new link in the sidebar to the 3/50 project. This flyer has popped up in a few of my local haunts, and I thought I’d post the link on my own site. I like the home page – the definition of the project, and the statistics related to, and celebrating the act of, shopping locally. Check it out when you have a chance.
Like voting, we try and support our neighborhood businesses (early and often). Those dollars spent in businesses on your street or in your neighborhood or community have the most bang for their buck right there at your own home. I like the opening statement in the 3/50 project – find a business you’d be sorry to see closed, and stop in a bit more frequently to say “hi” and pick up a little something. There’s an argument that shopping online is more convenient, or even that shopping in a big box store is. Perhaps the first is true, but I’m quite sure that the latter isn’t. I’ve noticed just how much more convenient little errands are now that businesses are thriving in our neighborhood – and just how much more pleasant it is to run those errands. When I need a birthday gift, or a shower gift, or a cup of coffee or the best Memphis Stax sandwich this side of the Mississippi, I can find it within a ten block radius. Plus, Vinnie will have that Memphis Stax ordered and rung up before I get to the counter, and Leanna will come out of the kitchen to compare baby stories between F and V while plating the best roasted red pepper frittata I’ve ever eaten. There is never a bad day for sea salt caramels or homemade marshmallows – and they make fabulous birthday gifts to mail. We can, and do, walk to restaurants with plates that range from $5.95 to $55, and cover at least a dozen ethnic cuisines and twice that many local coffees and wines and beers. And the rest of the things we need? All conveniently located near a good playground or walking path. So read the pledge, and take the challenge. And don’t forget to vote.