The wind is howling outside today, and we woke to three or four inches of the white stuff, with several more falling since then. When we got home from church and lunch we bundled up and braved the ridiculously low wind chills for a little time in the snow. F lasted about 15 minutes, but the others stayed out much longer and alternated between snow shoveling, angel making, and flinging snow balls over the fence at our neighbor (who happily engaged back in the fight). It’s the perfect day for delivering the first round of Christmas goodies to friends and neighbors – a frozen treat that will do just fine on the front porches of those not home. I’m home with a sleeping baby that happily stripped her icy layers off down to the tights and sock monkey sweater, and fell, pink-cheeked and worn out, into her crib for a long winter’s nap. So I find myself with a few blissful hours of quiet radio in the background, some card making, some ice cream churning, and a full carafe of coffee. Those things make a blustery winter afternoon that much sweeter.