Today it is nice to focus on something a bit happier than the sorrowful news of yesterday. We’re celebrating F’s half birthday in the way that we do in our house. A meal out together, and a quiet day spent as we like. Since we haven’t yet figured out which restaurant is her very favorite – she likes any place that serves food – we decided to go out for breakfast, which is probably her favorite meal of the day. She did us proud.
She’s also sporting some brand new, made for her socks by our friend J. This baby loves socks, and was delighted to put them on. When I took them off to photograph them she wasn’t very happy.
Time flies by at a record pace, and the shoes she wore yesterday don’t fit today. Every month I pack away little clothes that have been worn by three girls in our family, and I know this passage of time never slows down. One day I’ll be packing these socks away, thinking of the way they looked, all snug and cozy over the toes of a napping little one.
You are sweet beyond sweet, even in those moments of burgeoning independence and will. We love you more than we know how to say, how to squeeze, how to hold. Happy birthday, sweet one.