You could say that someone’s room needed a little freshening up. We were home alone when it came time to vacuum so she donned some ear protection and watched from a safe distance. I think she’s looking a little better, but as you can see below, she’s still not 100%. Maybe a little fresher bedroom…
Day: April 16, 2011
supper tart
This supper tart from The Splendid Table’s How to Eat Supper is one of our go-to weeknight meals. Actually, I could say that about a lot of recipes in this cookbook. It’s one of my favorites. I love this recipe because it’s so good, it’s so easy, but mostly, I think I love it because…
friday finds: the bathroom
Nothing glamorous or picturesque about this Friday’s finds. I spent the whole day in the bathroom with a sick toddler. Hard rains kept the windows closed far too long, but today, between the showers, there will be open windows and blustery spring winds to blow out the smells of a Friday gone sour. The only…