Before those eggs could be found, they had to be colored. And colored they were.
Someone got the hang of things very quickly.
Lots of details, lots of thoughtful planning of colors, and even a lot of waiting until the eggs picked up those super vibrant hues. I think this was the most colorful year yet – everyone’s patience is growing, I suppose.
Even the littlest one knew the benefits of good soak.
And oh, when those baskets were found!
I do believe the three oldest spent more time helping F enjoy her holiday – such sweet girls, cousins and a sister.
While this wasn’t her first Easter – it’s really the first one she could actively participate in. She had no problem finding her own place in the traditions of the holiday. Hope you had a nice weekend and made it through the storms mostly intact. We were glad to be out of the worst of it, and even more glad to come back to a warm, dry house. One with a bit more chocolate and a few more bunnies in it now.