One color range that I didn’t explore in the tulips last week was yellow to green… this perfectly sums up a much-needed day of golden sunshine and green gardens. We have no problem with green right now, not with all the rain we’ve had. Our backyard is a serious jungle. Our Saturday find will be the lawn mower.
After a leisurely morning at the garden with friends, F and I found ourselves at a bookstore shopping for a birthday gift, a book of her own, and a book I’ve been wanting for awhile.
I was so excited to get home and crack this one open, on my sunny back steps with no shoes on. It’s the kind of day where you might never want to come back inside, except that when I read this book I just want to be in my kitchen. My dream kitchen. It’s there, in my mind. Actually, it’s in a model. Maybe one day I’ll share.
If you aren’t reading 101 Cookbooks everyday, you should be. It’s that good. I am so ready for this salad, so ready to find these things at the market on Saturdays. I know one little girl who can’t get enough figs. She should be in heaven with this. (Side note: you know that you can search within this blog? Looking for something you haven’t seen in awhile? Say, like figs? Magic, there it is.)
And finally, some purple in our garden. Climbing, flourishing clematis. Proving that if you can just get yourself high enough in this yard, the weeds can’t overtake you.
Here’s hoping you’ve found a spot of sunshine this Friday. Wouldn’t you say that we all needed it?
let me know what you think of the cookbook. I like the 101 blog and I am always looking for new cookbooks.