I’m cheating a little bit here for a Friday, but we set out in search of two things this morning and found neither. So I’ll share a little video I made the other night with you, and maybe after a good nap we’ll find something special together this afternoon.
F is obsessed at the moment with leaving and returning. Open a door, shut a door, “bye bye” when she leaves, “my BACK!” when she returns. A few nights ago she was running between her room and the bathroom where her dad and sister were. Each time she would return to me she’d ask for more bows in her hair – after about twenty runs she had a head full. She added a bag and a scarf and delighted in the fact that each time she entered the bathroom she heard “How pretty!”. (Which she always answered with “Uh huh. Pretty!) I like the fact that when she returned each time to me, she announced it – in case I missed it. It’s not like she stands out in a crowd with that ‘do.