I thought I’d start a new category on this blog and call it “pining”. I may come up with a more clever name eventually, but what I really want to do is highlight something interesting or beautiful that I’ve come across but either don’t need or can’t afford. It may be something that I think…
Day: August 25, 2011
Right now one of her favorite activities is hiding. She particularly loves to slide herself into this narrow space between the bathroom cabinet and the wall. Now she opens the cabinet door to provide additional coverage. For the time being she delights in the hiding and the revealing. I’m guessing that somewhere in the near…
luckily they won’t be graded on "natural smiling"
This is the best I could get. We’re officially started. One in third grade, one in the young preschool class. When each was asked what they liked best about their first days, the oldest replied her teacher’s new haircut, and the youngest yelled “COT!”.