You may have guessed from earlier posts that blackberries were on sale last week. The vines in our backyard are growing and there’s a chance we might actually have fruit this year (if we can keep the birds and squirrels away), but when those containers of blackberries are a dollar a piece – well, they’re pretty hard to resist. There are lots of recipes that call for fresh blackberries but purchasing those tiny boxes for $3, $4, sometimes $5 each often times makes the recipe too expensive. But when ten dollars buys you a case you jump on it. And make cobblers and eat berries for breakfast and dinner and stain the front of every size two shirt that you own.
Some good ones: Blackberry-Maple Compote from Super Natural Every Day...
…and Berry Crisp Ice Cream from Jeni’s.
Blackberries make me happy. And so do cute hand models.