I have chairs on the brain (as well as a lot of other things). As the living room inches it’s way towards completion at some point we’re going to have to face facts and furnish the place. The winds are really blowing outside tonight and the house is asleep. I have a good book I’m halfway through and I’m really looking forward to the occasional late night quiet in that finished, furnished room. We can’t swing the fireplace yet (unless the roof + masonry bill miraculously halves itself – that’s another project on the docket for this year), but we are going to rough in for it in the future. Any of these lovelies would look pretty nice cozied up next to it. I’m happy to admit that I suffer from an occasional bout of chair lust. Not to mention indecisiveness…
top to bottom, left to right. 1. Barcelona Chair 2. Cherner Armchair 3. Truman Chair 4. Juliana Armchair 5. Mimi Chair 6. 1938 Leather Butterfly Chair 7. Tyler Chair 8. Shell Chair 9. Taylor Chair