We have been big fans of Patricia Polacco for a long time. We’ve owned Rechenka’s Eggs for years and years – since E was very little – and it’s been a favorite of my mother’s for years before that. We recently purchased Bun Bun Button, and F might just be even more smitten with that one. I love Polacco’s illustrations, particularly the eggs that seem to glow on the page, and the way the round balloon seller holds the round balloons in the park. Emma Kate might just be my favorite though – I love the slightly smudged graphite on the pages, and the markers on that red fabric with tiny aqua flowers. And Emma Kate has such an unexpected twist at the end – enough that E and I both laughed out loud when we encountered it, and we couldn’t wait to share the book with Dad to see if he was just as surprised. I find that my favorite children’s books are those where the story and the artwork are on equal footing – and both leave you a bit breathless and wishing for a few more pages or the time to read it through again (and again).

Emma Kate is the fastest read of the three – perfect for little ones with short attention spans. If you like to shop for books according to themes, or give gifts to match the occasion:
Emma Kate is lovely for those with imaginary friends.
Bun Bun Button is a great read for anyone who treasures a special lovie close to their heart, or for a grandmother to give to a grandchild.
Rechenka’s Eggs would be a perfect book to put in an Easter basket, or to read when studying Russia, or Moscow or holiday traditions / art.
Do you have a favorite Polacco title?
Find these titles at your favorite local independent bookstore. Happy reading!
Find these titles at your favorite local independent bookstore. Happy reading!
I LOVE Thundercake. All three of my kids have been cured of their dread of thunder this way. Now, when they hear thunder my 7.5 year old smiles and whispers “Thundercake”
You have to get the cake in the oven before the storm is overhead! Hurry! Or it won’t be Real Thundercake…
I will put Thundercake on our list. I tend to like all books with “cake” in the title…
You will not regret it. Said 7.5 year old even eats the secret ingredient without complaint. Chocolate does that every time.
Now I’m very curious…
Thanks for the book reviews. I love that often times we haven’t heard of the books you choose to review.
Have you read any of the Knuffle Bunny books? The illustrations are great. The author, Mo Willems, draws the characters over actual grayscale photographs of the cities where the stories take place. My daughter loves Knuffle Bunny Free. It’s about losing, then finding, then giving away your lovie.
Thanks again for sharing.
We adore Knuffle Bunny, and Mo Willems – he’ll be on the list. My good friend, N, got us hooked years ago, and reads this blog daily. I’ll blame her for the obsession.
We just checked out Emma Kate at the library this weekend. So far it’s a big hit (love the twist). Thanks for the post.
That’s funny – we checked out a stack of Polacco books this week too. But no Thundercake (as recommended above) there – we’re on the hunt for it.