That was a bit longer pause than I had first anticipated but man, I needed it. We all needed it. More on the weekend adventures later – for now, here’s a bit of the adventure going on in the living room.
The living room bookshelf components showed up Thursday afternoon. Friday morning I took quick photos of the girls standing in them, because that’s just what I do.
See the photo below – there’s E hanging out in the wardrobes upstairs (for scale). Even as a chubby little delicious baby she’s teeny tiny inside those things. Oh man, I can’t believe the change between that picture below and the nine-year-old above.
So the boxes might not look like much now, but with a little work ridiculous amount of work, they do end up looking like this:
There are small components floating around as well, like these upper end cabinets here, and the base cabinets are hidden back in the corner.
Speaking of hiding, it’s seems really, really tempting to do just that. But these suckers are heavy and large, so we’ve been avoiding the room altogether.
Avoiding helps too, because hanging out too much in there reminds you of the incredible amount of work still left to do to transform them from the boxes above to the room below.
But for now it’s okay to just have a room full of boxes. In fact, after E’s soccer game yesterday, we put F down for a late nap and I grabbed a blanket and pillow and headed for the couch now tucked away in the corner behind all the boxes. Best nap I’ve had in ages. Occasionally you just have to hide out to get a good nap in. It’s Monday now, and time to rouse the (still so sleepy) troops. Have a great week.