I think we received a record number of holiday cards this year, and yeah! because I love them. I really like getting the ones with photos in them, probably because I’m not on Facebook, so if I don’t see photos on blogs or in emails then it’s always fun to see how much the kids…
Day: January 8, 2013
up, up, up
Yesterday the supplies arrived and this morning a dozen men in hardhats and heavy work coats showed up right at eight. A few minutes later this crane pulled up, and all thoughts of breakfast were gone. E is supposed to be at school at 8:25, and at 8:24 someone refused to move from that spot…
tied up
I’m refraining from any Fifty Shades of Grey references here, but there are a few too many belts hanging out in my room right now. If you were here a few days ago, I was working on this little project when I discovered that I had remembered the double belt as a single belt… and…