First faces that look like faces. F drew these the other night while we waited for our pizzas at our favorite pizza place. Two eyes, a nose, a mouth, two ears, and a scrub of hair. These are going into the big frame.
Day: January 13, 2013
for the grandmothers
One more photo of the new haircut… for the grandmothers who tend to get a little sentimental about these sorts of things. This morning F was singing this song under her breath while she got ready: Not one ponytail, Not one braid! Not one rubberband in my hair – Just a bow! …. Later on…
rapunzel in front of mike mulligan
The hair around here was starting to reach fairy tale status… So for the first time in three-and-a-half years… we took some scissors to the mane. (Pardon the blurries, she was tossing her head a lot after it was cut.) One lollipop and one sparkly ring treat later, we left the salon SEVEN inches shorter,…