Summer is wrapping up soon, so it’s a good time to check in on the New Year’s Resolutions and see how they are coming along – or not coming along. 2013 Resolutions 1. Stop biting my nails. Still going strong. Occasionally I still apply Barielle No-Bite Pro Growth when I find myself with my fingers in my mouth too…
Month: July 2013
scenes from a sunday
This weekend was kind of a mixed bag for me. I love that E is old enough to enjoy extended visits with her grandparents and cousins, but by the end of those weeks I think I’m missing her more than I even let on to myself. The boot on the foot was really starting to…
scenes from a saturday
The recording at the other end of the line at Braeutigam Orchards said the blackberries were ready. That was the main draw for me. I grew up with thick blackberry vines along the fence behind our house, and I can remember the cobblers still. The keeper of the wagon swore she wasn’t eating any. Their…