This was the real Friday find for today, but before I started typing this one, I felt like I needed a little red velvet / no sleep pity party. Now that the pity party’s out of the way, I can pass on something you might actually enjoy / use.
One of the things I’ve really pushed myself to do this week is to turn off Arrested Development (addicting) and knock some little things off my lingering to-do list. M managed to manhandle the extra furniture out of the living room before he left for an out-of-town conference (all the stuff that won’t be there in the long run, but has been in there while we work on the dining room) so that I could actually see the blank walls and start to hang things up on them. Finally. It’s a work in progress still, but it’s getting there, after spending hours each night screwing in drywall anchors and devising a way to successfully install a very heavy typewriter vertically on the wall by myself. Hooray!
At the same time I’ve been thinking about how much I love Instagram. As a Facebook holdout, I find that IG is just about perfect for me. It allows me to see the occasional real time photograph from distant family and friends, while also sharing a little bit of what we are doing in the moment. I have my fair share of photos of the girls in there, but I really try to make an effort to post photos that are interesting and beautiful, and I also found that it was a perfect way to connect to family while on vacation. Sweet little postcards.
As I slowly fill the house with art and photos, I knew I wanted to get some of those images off the camera and in the house. Artifact Uprising has some gorgeous products specifically designed for those Instagram shots that you love. I ordered the calendar above – it starts at any month and goes for a year, so I’ll have September-August. I used IG photos I’ve taken in the past year that I love from sights around town and the changing seasons. It’s small – just 5.5″ x 7.5″ – but I love the format and plan to hang it in the grouping by the door that also includes my hanging clock.
We also have a gorgeous new coffee table in the living room, and I had planned to get a few IG photos printed to set casually on the table. When I saw this simple wood block with twelve photos that can be rotated, I ordered it as well. The calendar photos I chose don’t include photos of people, but the twelve I picked for this are cool photos of the girls.
I should have them next week, and I’ll let you know what I think about the finished product. I’ll also take some photos of the living room now that the walls are looking so, so good. I’m officially deeming August “art on the walls” month. September will be “sewing” month – let’s see how long I can keep up the alliteration in my monthly themes.