I tell myself each year that I’m going to naturally dye eggs, but instead I just admire them in photographs on the internet. When I look back at photos of all the things we’ve been eating this past year, I see these natural color makers throughout those dinners. (And I remember what my hands look like after cooking with them.) There is still time to make these gorgeous (edible!) eggs for Easter, or just in celebration of spring. F is obsessed with soft boiled eggs these days, and I think she’d love to tinker around with these colors before eating the end product.
I think I just made a plan to do these over the next few weeks. Maybe the next photos I post will be my own! (These stunners are by Samin Nosrat, for Design*Sponge – tutorial in this post yesterday.)
Ooo, the deep red ones are magnificent! I think, surprisingly, we are going to skip egg dying this year. We did try natural dyes one year and it was sooooo messy and time-intensive. But the colors were really pretty.
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