It’s dark now when we get to the garden, but the sun rises quickly once we’re there. It’s been warm this week, more like early September than late October, but we’ll take it. I don’t mind bundling up a bit for a morning walk, but I’m not quite sure I’m ready to negotiate all the layers with my children. For now, we’re holding onto Wednesday mornings as long as we can.
Many of the beds have been turned over to soil and mulch. The holiday lights are being installed, but the long views of the garden are still beautiful.
There are spent blossoms everywhere, plus hedge apples and acorns to collect and then discard.
There’s even some Halloween costume inspiration here – she poses under half a dozen baskets looking for the perfect wig. We found it.
beautiful, even as the gardens are on their way to a long winter’s nap. (love the hat.)
Your photos are always gorgeous, but I love the one with the building peeking over the hedge and the red and purple flowers in front… Beautiful !
Brooke recently posted…Gym Rat
(F in the flower wig is also gorgeous)
Brooke recently posted…Gym Rat