(eight) July 2008. Our house has no closets – not a single one. We could have added them to each room, boxed some in with wood studs and drywall. When we first married, I used to do a lot more residential work and much of that work was in historic homes. I’d walk through old houses with new closets and they never felt right to me. Building in wardrobes seemed like the better route to take, albeit the more expensive and time consuming one. The entire east wall of our third floor has built in storage – large cabinets for hanging clothes and adjustable shelves, deep drawers for toys and games and socks, cubbies in the bathroom, open bookshelves interspersed throughout – and my favorite part – the window seats! This picture was taken when the back room was still a studio space and I was getting ready for E’s fifth birthday party. Those were the days when all the horizontal surfaces in the house were clean and clutter-free; now they are stacked with quilts and pillows and stuffed animals and folded laundry. It’s hard to imagine having the space like this to layout a project without needing to drastically clean and purge beforehand. We’re sort of buried in paperwork and projects at the moment. I’m looking forward to reclaiming some of this space in the new year. It’s easier to be creative in an organized space. Also, the girls still love cars.
advent (home) / one / two / three / four / five / six / seven
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