My head is spinning, there is just so much to do and so much coordination happening. I decided in September to create monthly videos with a snapshot of project progress each day, and then abandoned that for October because the photos were so boring. It’s only paperwork, emails, follow-up phone calls and text messages. Every morning before work, every evening after work. All weekend long.
M has scheduled quite a bit of time off work between now and the end of the year. He has several meetings set up for this Friday, starting with the plumber. We need to get a drain line and gas line moved pretty quickly in order to install one of the new beams that go in under the dining room to frame the new opening for the basement stair. Our mason wanted to start work in reverse order last Thursday – starting with closing up the opening in the stone foundation. We need them to start with the brick work above – the basement cannot be fully sealed off yet. So that was a bit of a snag in the schedule.
I’m off on Monday, and I’m hoping for a nice juicy update next week. As always, in the moment photos shared on Instagram.