I think I will begin this letter with the same first paragraphs that I included with my cards this year: I often start my card design process with a word or a theme. When I look back through the previous twenty-three years, I see some common ones. Noticing, building, joy. Wonder, reflection, grief. Community. Peace….
Tag: paper projects
holiday letter 2020
That is one good thing about this world… there are always sure to be more springs. L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Avonlea I really struggled coming up with an idea for my card this year. In past years I usually land on an idea mid-year or by fall at the latest, and I spend October and…
“super” raffle posters
I haven’t been to bed before midnight in a week, and I’ve promised myself to be there by ten tonight. That’s in eleven minutes, so I’m typing at breakneck speed – I’ll do a quick edit in the morning and then post this. I’m just so excited to have a camera again, and so I’ve been…