Hope you got out to “V is for Vote“. E finds it a great time to reminisce on the time she went to vote with me when she was around two years old. On that trip she thought the lines, the stickers, the posters, the punch cards were all very exciting, and when we left I asked her if she had fun going to vote. She said that it was fun, but she was curious where the water was…she sure didn’t see any boats. She never forgets this story from her past, and cracked boat/vote jokes all morning. These jokes were aided by the fact that the school yard we had to cross was full of the puddled remains of all the snow and the rain. Every one she jumped brought on another boat joke. She might not completely get the process, even at the wise old age of four, but she does know it’s vote with a “v” so we’re making some progress. Now we’re looking forward to the time when “V is for Victory“.