Two in a row. This was something else I stumbled upon that reminds me of when our godson was just starting to join his dad playing play with Legos. They would lay out a giant quilt and dump the pieces out and play – when they were done the quilt was scooped up and the pieces were funneled back into their rubbermaid bin.
We have several toys of this nature in our house – Legos, Playmobil, matchbox cars and plastic animals – and they are stored in a variety of reused containers. The containers work just fine, but they still require a lot of enthusiastic “dumping” out, and then later – less than enthusiastic picking up.
Enter the swoop bags. I love how the bag opens and provides its own play mat – and then practically picks itself back up. And they look pretty awesome. I think I’d take a couple of these hanging on big wall hooks over the odd assortment of plastic containers we have now. This is definitely going on the “list” – we’re getting pretty close, but that older one is a little tricky. She plays hard with the things she has now, and hasn’t really expressed any interest in adding to the repertoire – except for books, of course.
Maybe we could get a few of these swoop bags to hold books – cheaper than the bookshelves*! (*And that’s still on my “list”!)