This Friday found me doing what I like best on a Friday. Hanging out with this little one. She is busy, so this is just the kind of place for her. And afterwards we found ourselves with a big appetite and a big lunch. Later on we found ourselves enjoying the ridiculously warm weather (70+ degrees!) outside with her big sister and a couple of bikes, but I’ll have to add those photos tomorrow. I’m just squeaking in on Friday as it is…
These kind of Fridays are numbered as things are picking up at work (a good thing), but it’s still a little bittersweet. We’re making the most of it though, and there will be plenty of vacation days on Fridays coming up.
Working on a few new features for the blog, and of course, the much anticipated New Year’s Resolutions (one week late). Hope you found something fun this Friday.
(And how much do you want one of those oversized lite*brites??)