It took less than 24 hours for the desk to become her desk. She stops by in the morning to draw a picture of a mermaid before breakfast, or to fashion a small change purse out of decorative duct tape. I put the little one to bed and later find that E’s left her room with a bag full of art supplies and has set up camp at the desk once again. Which proves my theory that, try as I might, if there is a clear horizontal surface in the house, it’s not going to stay that way for long.
In the end, there will be room for multiple people at the desk in this room, but for now… well, she’s keeping me from my work, and she’s most certainly ignoring my suggestions to head to bed. Which also makes me wonder how much harder it will be to get her to turn off and turn in once she has that big, beautiful, all-her-very-own desk in her room. But still – it will be hers – and maybe I can get a thing or two done at mine once again.
Somebody else I know, enjoying her own desk (and watercolors – always watercolors):
What did you expect? You gave her table away… -M
Too true!