We did it – have you?
We have a funny family story that E likes to tell, and now F likes to recite as well. It’s about the time that E thought “going to vote” was really “going to a boat”. Original story here. Now we make it clear what we’re doing. It’s “V” is for “Vote”, and we skip up to the line. When we return to the car I tell the girls how lucky they are to be able to skip up to the ballot box. It’s not always been so easy, and don’t ever, ever take it for granted.
Hope you enjoy your voting day – it’s one of my favorite days of the year. (Added bonus – no more robo-calls tonight!) How in the world are you Ohio / Iowa / Virginia / Florida / Nevada / Wisconsin readers surviving? I feel for you!
F, above, saying “V” is for “VOTE”, picture taken this morning
E, above, also saying “V” is for “VOTE”, picture taken four years ago – I know, freaky resemblance