For F’s half birthday on Wednesday I decided to make the Cherry Chip Cake with Cherry Buttercream Icing from my new Vintage Cakes cookbook. E and I bought the ingredients on Saturday and then the two of us put it together Tuesday night. Baking with E is the best because she happens to like all of those steps that tend to bog things down a bit when there’s just one person in the kitchen. Like cutting a couple of pounds of butter into 1/4″ squares. Those kind of tasks.
She’s also an excellent ganache maker. And taster.
Here’s the scoop – three layers of cherry chip cake, with a layer of chocolate ganache and then cherry buttercream between each cake layer. The recipe itself didn’t take too long to put together – even with three parts – cake, chocolate, icing. But the layering did take awhile because each component had to sit in the fridge for 5-10 minutes to set before the next step.
Completely worth it though. Completely.
The cake was very good. Yum! -E
Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the help. Now get to bed…