E’s on a roll lately with author talks. Last Saturday she and a friend (and their closest 998 other friends) went to hear Rick Riordan speak, and to pick up a signed copy of his latest book. I’ve promised you some write ups on the books she’s into right now, but she’s been too busy rubbing shoulders with the big writers to sit down and write some reviews for this little blog. Today at school she got to meet Barney Saltzberg – and she said he was delightful and funny. I mentioned his book Beautiful Oops when I wrote about my favorite art books here, but he has a new book out in a similar format – A Little Bit of Oomph!
We’ve only read A Little Bit of Oomph! well – a little bit – but the girls loved it. It has the similar mixed media illustrations, with flaps and pushes and pulls and spins – lots of interaction like Beautiful Oops. The message of the book is that a little bit of extra effort can go a long way towards turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. My favorite page spins the word curiosity into discovery – a fitting theme for an elementary school that encourages kids to do that very thing on a daily basis. E loves to read, but she also loves to write. I’m glad she’s getting so many opportunities to listen to and interact with authors as they explain the way they approach writing and sharing ideas with others.