On sort of a last minute whim, M decided to get tickets to see The Wizard of Oz at the Fox – sort of a Mother’s Day / Father’s Day treat. M has been taking E to at least one show a year since she was in Kindergarten, and it seemed like a good time to start the little one. We had seats on the second row, so we were right in the middle of the action. F never left our laps, but she was pretty brave during the tornado scene and the flying monkeys. The audience had lots of children in it, but you wouldn’t have known it. The audience was really into the show – and there were several really quiet parts where the theater was silent. We were so close to the stage that we felt like we were right in the middle of the action – and when Dorothy has to tell the Scarecrow and the Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion goodbye, you could hear a pin drop in the place. F’s tiny little whisper voice said “I think I might cry,” and the three of us smiled at how caught up she was in the story. Her eyes never left the stage, and big wet tears were sitting on the edges of her eyelids, and then we were all a little misty-eyed at her reaction.
This morning we headed over to the Tower Grove Farmers Market for the first time this season – my walking is improving enough to tackle the hike from the car to the market. We ate breakfast from the crepe truck and I drank a gallon of coffee and we bought up tomatoes and strawberries and asparagus and cheese. We’re home again and planning meals for the week – this crazy, busy last week of school and all that entails.
And then I remembered – the drawing! So here are the dinner winners: Mikaela, Joyce and Allison. I’ll email you the information later this weekend, so check the email account that you entered when you left the comment. And if you didn’t win, stay tuned, because these bonus meals show up in my account quite frequently and I’ll do this again soon. Thanks for playing.
Sometimes kids really surprise you with how much they enjoy live performances. My four year old loved the full nutcracker ballet last November (when she was three) and talks about going again all the time. It’s a long show, so I wasn’t entirely sure how she’d do. I wish the theater wasn’t so expensive for nice seats, I’d take my kids more often!
Can’t believe your girls are almost done with school, it doesn’t end until late June around here. I’m feeling the crunch too, though.
The theatre is expensive, I agree. We are lucky to have so many free things to do here in St. Louis, so we can occasionally splurge on the theatre. We saw the Nutcracker performed by local ice skaters when F was 3 and she loved it as well.