Somehow I missed the memo in past years that there is such a thing as an autumn crocus. Its job seems less necessary than the late winter ones. When those peek through the snowy, frozen ground we need the tangible reminder that spring will come again. In autumn, the signs are everywhere.
What a gift this weekend was. It was long and lazy, and less rushed than previous ones. The little one is always collecting things now, always talking, always moving numbers around in grouping exercises, and doing the same with acorn caps and spent blossoms.
She’s filled a terrarium floor with her finds, and is working on the understory. She says it’s the most beautiful terrarium ever made inside a milk jug and I think she’s right.
Have a great week. Hope you get to spend a part of it in a garden.
I want one of those stone sheep! 🙂
She insisted on posing on each one of them for a picture that morning. They are kind of a landmark in the garden. I have photos of both girls at all ages on them.
Our neighbor across the street has smaller sheep statues in her garden. She moves them in groups to face different ways. The girls love to peek in through the railing to see what the sheep are up to. Right now they are gathered in a semi-circle looking at a large hosta plant. It’s kind of hilarious. (I’ve never caught her moving them, she must do it under the cover of night.)