I’m not as good at doing recaps these days – I blame some of that on the ease of Instagram, and maybe a little of that on having two cameras. It takes a regular practice of using a camera and then downloading the photos to post them, and I don’t feel like much of what I do these days is very consistent. But I have been looking through old photos lately, and thought I’d do a few photo heavy / word light posts that are some glimpses into our days lately. The girls are growing, and I talk of them in more of the abstract than the specific. I think this trend will likely continue, but I don’t want to lose the habit of writing and recording some things I’d like to remember, even if it’s not as regular as it used to be.
F made a fantastic Reptiles sign, and sang her heart out in her spring concert. There were a ton of words to this song, and the first graders nailed it.
Also? She held hands with D the entire performance. Hmmm. This detail was not lost on any of us. D looks completely okay with this.
E finished her year long confirmation classes this past May, and she celebrated with her friend, Z. The girls were born on the same day, 12 hours apart, so they call each other “twin sister”.
My parents came to visit that same weekend so that we could celebrate my mom’s birthday. My sister’s family crashed the party at the last minute – which made it a real party, and we ate too much, and stayed out too late with small children, and had an all around blast.
May was unseasonably cool this year, which was lovely. It’s making up for that this June. We spent a lot of time in Forest Park – particularly me. I clocked the most miles ever in May, although not in this navy dress and flats, I promise.
We’ve also managed to pose in plywood cutout paintings quite a few times so far. E gets the concept pretty well…
F can’t understand why were all yelling for her to stop drinking her sno-cone.
We typically go to Circus Flora for Father’s Day, but this year we went a week earlier. The show is baseball themed this year, and really fantastic. It’s hard to top last year’s show (probably the best I’ve ever seen), but there were several really unique acts this year that we loved, and the baseball costumes were so cute. I love everything about it except for the tightrope act with no net. It makes me crazy.
At least they have a net for the trapeze.
Summer’s off to a great start so far. I should do something similar with the photos on my phone soon. I jump back and forth between the two a lot. I love having that convenience, for sure, but there’s something really nice about getting out the “real” camera and snapping a few photos of our adventures – even if I’m a little slow to revisit them these days.
How’s your summer shaping up so far?
Love seeing your family (at the risk of sounding scary.) How well I remember Grandma driving up from Savannah for our Confirmands… And how time has just evaporated. If I’d had half a brain cell, I would have started my (now-defunct) blog in the 90s when our girls were little. Thanks for reminding the world what’s important.