I am running on fumes these days, but there are bright spots in the midst of all the chaos. I am very busy at work, with no end in sight to that for awhile. I am very busy at home, deep diving with M into the thousand layers of this house project. I am very busy with a dozen other things – many that bring me great joy and restore my faith in humanity, but that also mean that the slivers of free time that I have lately are usually filled with me making to-do lists, and then scratching them off again.
I cannot write coherently about my utter contempt and disdain for this current administration. I held out hope until midday last Friday that it might not really happen. It has. I am doing my best not to be caught up in the outrage of the hour – as my father has wisely suggested that I avoid – but it is also important to remain connected and engaged and focused, so I’m doing that to the best of my ability on top of all of these other things. There’s no time to sit back and be complacent. But it turns my stomach as well, and the stress filters into so many areas of my life.
I hope to return to this writing space again soon, maybe even by this weekend. I’ve missed it. But bouncing between these various things – house and home and family, to politics and activism and threats to our core values – leaves me spinning and tongue-tied at the moment. I’m not sure where to go from here.
I’m nodding along as I read this. I’m not in the middle of an enormous home renovation, but I’m feeling swamped at work and when I think about politics, I feel some combination of outrage and despair. Like I can call Roy Blunt’s office a million times, and none of it will make a difference. But also, we don’t make change by doing nothing. It’s just hard to know what to do that will really matter.
When you get tired of writing to Roy Blunt, here’s another alternative. I just learned about it today, and I love it.
It sounds like reading a novel may not be how you are realistically gonna spend time, but I am devouring Perfect Little World by Kevin Wilson in which he explores the very issue that Flourish St Louis is trying to address! It is about an experimental community parenting project. And he is such a wonderful writer. So maybe TBR? Hang tough, A